Welcome to Revoelution
Revoelution is Blackpool’s Big Local area, located around Central Drive - just 500m from Blackpool Tower. The aim of the project is to work with residents of the area to make it a better place to live, work and visit.
By the people of Revoe, for the people of Revoe
Revoelution is run by a Partnership of local residents and people who work or volunteer in the area – they have informal meetings once a month at the Revoelution Hub on Ibbison Court. See ‘About’ and ‘How it Works’ for more information. The Hub is open five days a week – feel free to pop in.
Revoelution focuses completely on issues raised by residents, and runs or funds projects designed to address those issues. We have conversations, consultations and discussions all the time. We run several small groups ourselves and we pay for a wide range of activities and events – see the ‘Our Activities and Partners’ page for more information.